This is their conversation on our way home;
Ummi : "Ooooh Ikyu San (who is he???), u look like a big boy now!"
Ayah : "He's now handsome!"
Ummi : "So you think he wasn't handsome before?"
Ayah : "Before the new haircut he was cute, now he's handsome. A gentleman to be!"
Ummi : "Uuuuuuuuw...."
Uhm, thank you very much... and yes, I do understand their conversation please don't be surprised. Yes I'm a gentleman-to-be (insyaAllah), but now let's just consider I'm a gentleboy... Well at least I breastfeed to Ummi gently Haha..:P
>>Uuuuu this is new.. so what's the game?
I didn't cry when the man worked on my hair, I was too busy with so many toys he offered me. Although I kinda annoyed when he keeps playing with my head. And when little hairs start fall to my eyes was really uncomfortable. But thank God their toys are cool!
>>Exhausted after the hair cut then playing for few hours at PIM. Anyway, how do you think I look now?
By the way my dearest Uncles and Aunties, today is Ayah's birthday! I thought my birthday is sooner then his, but I guess I was wrong. Ayah get's his birthday first, so when is mine??? Happy birthday Ayah... you're soooo cool till I use to miss you a lot when you're gone! I love you!
Oh, before I end this post, let me introduce you to my Aunty Elsa. She's Ummi's cousin. She came visit us yesterday. I love when people come visit me, that's why I gave her my legendary saliva kiss. Please come more often Tante Elsa... ^^
>>Me and Tante Elsa
OK then... see ya!
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