Friday, February 11, 2011

I Have Decided To No Longer Be A Porridge's Fan Coz I'm A Big Boy Now!

Yess... I'm now a big baby!
I've telepapa... telepatapa... errr, te-le-pa-thic-ly told Ummi that I no longer like porridge, and yeah she understood. I had soggy rice with salmon soup for my lunch and dinner. It was quite tasty, although I'm still learning to chew. Why doesn't Ummi just give me chewing gum instead?? I must look so cool chewing a gum and making bubble... ho ho ho!

And since I'm now a BIG baby, I will tell ya my first words.... huh!
- jaaaatuh >> this is when something falls to the floor
- bids >> u know that feathery things with wings
- aduh >> Ummi used to says this, and it's easy to spell. ha ha.
- NO NO NO NO >> Ummi used to say this when I play with cool interesting stuff. She must wants to play with it too... hmmmm.
- ba-na-na >> I'm still trying to figure out what it is, it sounds like a song lyric.

There you go! Since I'm now a big boy, don't gimme kiss when u meet me... I do hi five!

*hi five,! (with wet fingers because of saliva)*


  1. Hamizan!!!!!! Next time we make a trip to Bukit Tinggi I'll take you to nasi kapau uni Lis. This is a real nasi kapau. I am sure you are going to enjoy its gulai tunjang...... mmmmmhhhh....

  2. Yes, I believe he will, and so do Ummi and Ayah! Hohohoho.... Plus gulai limpa!
